JohnSWilson3 Blog

“Blessed are you who are poor…”
August 7, 2009, 2:43 am
Filed under: C Gospel According to Luke
Spent some time reading Chapters 3 through 6 from the Book of Luke this morning. It is interesting all the things God can teach you as you read more of God’s word at one sitting! As I read through the chapters a central idea came to mind – “blessed are you who are poor.” John the Baptist undoubtedly preached his “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” to a crowd of poor people along with other classes of people. It seems that where ever Jesus went it was primarily to those who needed help, such as the poor. In Chapter 4 Jesus read from Isaiah how he had come “to preach good news to the poor.” Jesus spent time with those who were poor, who hungered, who were sad, and those who were hated by society. He went where they were, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and shared with them “the word of God.” Jesus spent time with his disciples showing them how He lived. Intermittent through Jesus journeys was time spent in prayer. How is Jesus living through me as a follower of Him? Am I allowing Jesus to express Himself to a small group of followers of Jesus? …to those who are poor around me? Do I try and stay away from those who are poor? Jesus was tempted by the devil and was hated by those who rejected what He said. If I’m letting Jesus live through me have I been tempted, have I been rejected because of His word? If not, why not? Jesus express yourself through me to others! Through me and your body bless the poor, those who hunger, those who are sad, those who are hated, those who are my enemies, those who judge and condemn me/us!

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